USMA West Point Graduation Photos Hat toss in air

West Point Graduates

Norwich University offers an exclusive pathway to a master’s degree for West Point graduates that allows up to 12 credits to transfer into selected programs from coursework and cadet training, providing a 47% savings and the ability to finish within a year.

Service Academy graduates from the Class of 2018 to the present are eligible for this unique program.

Service Academy graduates can save up to 47% based on their elite curriculum

Program Costs:

  • $550 per credit hour.
  • For students that do not have access to Tuition Assistance funding, Norwich will offer students up to $1,500 in scholarship funds to help supplement the tuition costs of a graduate program.
  • Library and Technology fees of $375 per term, and Norwich ACCESS Fee of $22 per credit hour.

Tuition Assistance

  • Service Academy graduates eligible for tuition assistance can have their out-of-pocket cost per credit hour reduced to $300 per credit for a maximum additional reduction of $4,500* annually.   
    Commissioned officers can incur an active duty/reserve duty service extension of 2-4 years contingent on the completion date of the last course for which TA funding was used.

Accelerated Application Process

Service Academy Graduates are already accepted into Norwich's graduate programs.

Just fill out our application and provide a college transcript. 

  • No GRE
  • No resume
  • No letter of intention

Next Graduate Session Start Dates:

SUMMER: May 19, 2025

FALL: August 25, 2025

WINTER: November 17, 2025

Next Graduate Session Application Deadlines:

SUMMER: May 9, 2025

FALL: August 15, 2025

WINTER: November 7, 2025

Accelerated Master’s Programs & Transfer Equivalents

The list of programs includes transfer course equivalents for all programs.   

Master of Public Administration

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
 any two of the following:     
MX400Officership3All concentrationsOL510Leadership Foundations6
MG381Intro to Mgmt3    
MH382Human Resoruce Mgmt3    
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership3    
Pl471Leadership in Combat3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership 3    
PL398Leadership Theory & Dev3    
MG390Negotiation for Leaders3    
MG379Leading Teams3    
MG420Operations Mgmt3Elective in Non-Specific Concentration Elective 6
MG421Strategic Mgmt3    
MG381Intro to Mgmt3    
MG382Human Resoruce Mgmt3    
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership3    
PL471Leadership in Combat3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership3    
PL398Leadership Theory & Dev3    
MG390Negotiation for Leaders3    
PL479Leading Change in Org3    
MG379Leading Teams3    
EM482Supply Chain Eng & Info Mgmt 3    
EM411Project Management3    
PL479Leading Change in Org.3Org. Leadership or Non-SpecificOL530Leading Change6
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior 3    
PL488CColloquium-BSL-Leadership 3    

Master of Science in Leadership

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
 any two of the following:     
MX400Officership3All concentrationsOL510Leadership Foundations6
MG381Intro to Mgmt3    
MH382Human Resoruce Mgmt3    
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership3    
Pl471Leadership in Combat3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership 3    
PL398Leadership Theory & Dev3    
MG390Negotiation for Leaders3    
MG379Leading Teams3    
MG420Operations Mgmt3Elective in Non-Specific Concentration Elective 6
MG421Strategic Mgmt3    
MG381Intro to Mgmt3    
MG382Human Resoruce Mgmt3    
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership3    
PL471Leadership in Combat3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership3    
PL398Leadership Theory & Dev3    
MG390Negotiation for Leaders3    
PL479Leading Change in Org3    
MG379Leading Teams3    
EM482Supply Chain Eng & Info Mgmt 3    
EM411Project Management3    
PL479Leading Change in Org.3Org. Leadership or Non-SpecificOL530Leading Change6
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior 3    
PL488CColloquium-BSL-Leadership 3    

Master of Science in Management

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits 
 any two of the following:      
MX400Officership 3All concentrationsOL510Leadership Foundations6 
MG381Intro to Mgmt3     
MG382Human Resoruce Mgmt3     
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership 3     
PL471Leadership in Combat3     
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3     
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership3     
MG390Negotiation for Leaders 3     
MG379Leading Teams 3     
CE450Construction Mgmt3Non-Specific Elective6 
MG410Managerial Finance3     
MG420Operations Mgmt3     
MG421Strategic Mgmt3     
MG381Intro to Mgmt3     
MG382Human Resoruce Mgmt3     
PL470Topics Behavior Sci/Leadership3     
PL471Leadership in Combat3     
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3     
PL489Ind Study Beh Sci & Leadership3     
MG390Negotiation for Leaders3     
PL479Leading Change in Org3     
MG379Leading Teams 3     
EM482Supply Chain Eng & Info Mgmt3     
EM411Project Management3     
PL479Leading Change in Org3Org. Leadership or Non-SpecificOL530Leading Change6 
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3     

Master of Business Administration

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
 any two of the following:     
MG279Leading Teams3All concentrationsGB511Strategic Resource Mgmt6
MG382Human Resource Management3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior 3    
MG380Marketing 3All concentrationsGB532Strategic Marketing and Ops Mgmt6
MG420Operations Management3    
 any two of the following:     
PL479Leading Change in Org3Organizational Leadership OL530Leading Change 6
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    
PL488CColloquium-BSL-Leadership 3    
 any two of the following:     
CE450Construction Management3Elective in General, CIP&CC, CL&IPC Elective6
EM411Project Management3    
EM482Supply Chain Eng & Info Mgmt3    
MG421Strategic Mgmt3    
PL479Leading Change in Org. 3    
PL472Cross-cultural Org. Behavior3    

Master of Science in Criminal Justice

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
SS465Terrorism: New Challenges3Elective pathwayGD542Terrorism: Introduction and State Sponsored Terrorism6
SS466Combating Terrorism3    
DS360Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict3Elective pathwayGD552International Terrorism by Non-State Actors6
SS464Homeland Security3    

Master of Science in Cybersecurity

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
CY450Cybersecurity Engineering  3 GB512Foundations and Historical Underpinning of Information Assurance6
CY460Cyber Policy, Strategy, and Operations 3    

Master of Science in Information Systems

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
MA376Applied Statistics3 IS501Statistical Concepts3
CS403Software Testing and Development3 IS503Information System Analysis and Design3

Master of Arts in History

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
HI340Colonial America3 HI520Colonial America, American Revolution, & Early Republic6
HI394Revolutionary America3    
HI390Early National Period3 HI53019th Century US History6
HI395History of Civil War America3    
HI396 Making of Modern America3 HI54020th Century US History6
HI397Cold War America3    
HI365The Ancient World3 HI526Age of Hunters-Gatherers6
 Medieval Europe3    
LW403Constitutional/Military Law3 HI548America's Wars as Constitutional Crises6
 and  either     
LW474Law of Armed Conflict3    
LW475Advanced Law of Armed Conflict3    
SS473American Foreign Policy3Substitute for elective in non-U.S. History concentrationelective6
HI372US Foreign Relations since 18983    
XH405The Holocaust and its Legacy3Substitute for elective in non-World History concentrationelective6
Xh415Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing3    

Master of Arts in Military History

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
HI301History of Miliary Art to 1900 3 MH552Total War6
HI302History of Militar Art since 19003    
HI351Advanced History of Military Art to 19003 MH552Total War6
HI352Advanced History of Military Art since 19003    
HI338Warfare in the Age of Revolution3 MH552Total War6
 and any one of the following:     
HI355Warfare in the Age of Industrializattion3    
HI354World War I in Global Context3    
HI359Era of World War II3    
HI385War and its Theorists3 MH530Military Thought and Theory6
 and one of the following:     
HI358Policy, Strategy, and Generalship3    
SS457Introduction to Grand Strategy3    
SS473American Foreign Policy3Substitute for non-Mil History concentration electiveelective6
HI372US Foreign Relations since 18983    

Master of Arts in Strategic Studies

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
 any two of the following:     
DS497Strategic Studies Capstone3 NT505National Security Strategy6
SS483National Security Seminar3    
SS457Introduction to Grand Strategy3    
SS395 International Security3    
DS320Introduction to Strategic Studies3    
DS370Strategy and Policy3    
 and any one of the following:     
HI385War and its Theorists3 NT510Strategy and Policy6
DS455Comparative Defense Policy3    
HI358Policy, Strategy, and Generalship3    
SS378Great Power Competition3    
 any two of the following:     
DS460Insurgency and Conflict3 NT550 The Use of Military Force6
LW474Law of Armed Conflict3    
LW476Advanced Law of Armed Conflict3    
LW482National Security Law3    
HIST352Advanced History of Military Art since 19003    

Master of Arts in Defense Policy

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
DS370Strategy and Policy3 NT510Strategy and Policy6
 and any one of the following:     
HI385War and its Theorists3    
DS455Comparative Defense Policy3    
HI358Policy, Strategy, and Generalship3    
SS378Great Power Competition3    

Master of Arts in Diplomacy

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
LW481International Law3CoreGD520Law and the International System6
 National Security Law3    
SS484International Economics3CoreGD530Economics and the International System6
SS487International Political Economy3    
PL472Cross-cultural Organization Behavior3Concentration in Int'l ManagementG554Cross Cultural Management in Int'l System6
MG421Strategic Management3    
 any of the following pairs:     
EV487Evironmental Security3Concentration in Int'l Conflict ManagementGD561Human Rights and Conflict in the Int'l System 
EV482Military Geography3    
HI410Violence/Sex: Cultural History of War3    
XH415Genocide and Mass Atrocity3    
 any two of the following:     
SS476International Conflict and Settlement3 GD560Military Intervention and Conflict Management6
XH467Winning the Peace3    
SS465Terrorism: New Challenges3Concentration in International TerrorismGD562Int'l Responses to Transnationa Terroism6
 and any one of the following:     
SS464Homeland Security3    
SS466Combating Terrorism3    
DS460Insurgency and Counterinsurgency3    
DS498Leadership in Future War3    
 any two of the following:     
CY460Cyber Policy, Strategy, and Operations3Elective in concentration in Cyber Diplomacy Elective6
XH341Intelligence Cyber History3    
PLA470AHacking for Defense3    
CS482Cybersecurity Engineering3    
CS465Organizational Security3    

Master of Arts in International Relations

West Point
Norwich University
USMA Course NumberUSMA Course NameCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course NameCredits
SS307International Relations3CoreIR510World Politic International Relations6
SS479International Organizations3    
SS473American Foreign Policy3Concentration in National SecurityIR520American Foreign Policy6
HI372US Foreign Relations since 18983    
SS465Terroism: New Challenges3 IR541Intelligence and Nat'l Security Policy6
SS483National Security Seminar3    
SS395International Security3Concentration in International SecurityIR531National Security6
SS483National Security Seminar3    
 any of these pairs of courses:     
PL482Armed Forces and Society3Elective in International Security Concentration Elective6
EV478Comparative Defence Policy3    
DS455Comparative Defense Policy3    
DS475Strategic Decision-Making Process3    
DS498Leadership in Future War3    
DS475Strategic Decision Making3    
SS378Great Power Competition3    
DS455Comparative Defense Policy3    
EV482 Military Georgraphy3    
EV487Environmental Security3    
SS487International Political Economy3Concentration in International DevelopmentIR543Political Econony of Int'l Development6
SS462Economic Growth and Development3    
 any two of the following:     
SS485Politics of Sub-Saharan African3Concentration in Region of World: AfricaGA541Africa6
HI374History of Africa3    
LN440AArabic in Cultural Context3    
EV375Geography of Africa3    
 any two of the following:     
HI348Modern Latin America3Concentration in Region of World: Latin AmericanGA543Latin America6
LN440SSpanish in Cultural Context3    
LP484Portuguese Civilization II3    
EV373Geography  of Latin America3    
 any two of the following:     
LR484Russian Civilization II3Concentration in Region of World: EurasiaGA544Eurasia6
HI368 Modern Central and Eastern Europe3    
EV371Geography of Russia3    
HI367Imperial and Soviet Russia3    
SS375Goverments and Politics of Russia and its Neighbors3    
 any two of the following:     
EV372Geography of Asia3Concentration in Region of World: Asia-PacificGA542Asia-Pacific6
LC484Chinese Civilization II3    
HI347Asian Warfare and Politics3    
HI337China: Empire, Republic, and Mao3    
SS274Politics and Governments of Koreas and Japan3    
SS372Politics and Government of China3    
 any two of the following:     
HI364Modern Western Europe3Concentration in Region of World: EuropeGA545Europe6
EV386Geography of Europe3    
SS377Politics and Governments of Europe3    
LG49220th and 21st Century Germany3    
LF484French Civilization II3    
LN440SSpanish in Cultural Context3    
LP484Portuguese Civilization II3    
 any two of the following:     
EV376Geography of the Middle East3Concentration in Region of World: Middle EastGA546The Middle East6
HI383Middle Eastern Warfare3    
HI338The Modern Middle East3    
LZ484Persian Civilization II3    
LA484Arabic Civilization II3    
SS383Politics of the Middle East3    
 any two of the following:     
SS472Soldier and the State: American Civil-Military Relations3Concentration in Region of World: North AmericaGA547North America6
SS481Politics of Defense Policy3    
EV384Geography of North America3    
HI346India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh3Concentration in Region of World: South AsiaGA548South Asia6
EV372Geography of Asia3    
Norwich Student Greyson Hedges hiking

Greyson Hedges
'21 Master of Arts in Strategic Studies
All-Source Analyst assigned to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Carson, Colorado.

Join the Family of Norwich Graduates

“What stood out from [Norwich’s] program are the wonderful people involved and an accommodating online format,” Hedges reflected. “The Norwich instructors were genuinely understanding and invested in my success. My student support counselor was incredibly helpful, and her empathy and advice went a long way toward helping me. I could not have done as well without their guidance and support.”


Are you ready to get started?

Please contact us today to learn how we can best assist you! 

Call our Admissions Team at 1-866-684-7237 or click apply below.

We are now enrolling for our next sessions - and there are NO application fees or deposit fees required.