Financial Aid at Norwich University Online

At Norwich, we understand that an affordable online education is a top priority for our students, which is why we gathered information about financial aid to guide you through the process.

Navigating financial aid for your online degree may seem like a daunting task, but here at Norwich University Online, were here to help. If you would like additional information or would like to speak with someone directly about financial aid planning, please contact one of our knowledgeable admissions advisors at or 1-888-409-1480.

Below are links to our specific financial aid resources areas which provide information about financing options, offer helpful tips, and take Norwich Online students through the financial aid process.

Financial Aid Resources and Information for Online Students

MIlitary student in uniform

For Military and Veteran Students

Are you a servicemember or a US veteran looking for an affordable online degree? Norwich accepts Military Tuition Assistance and veterans benefits, as well as offers military scholarships, to help you finance your education.

Learn about Military Financial Aid Resources
MBA Student

For Online Masters Degree Students

Federal financial aid may be used toward Norwich's graduate degree programs, in addition to available Norwich or private scholarships.

Financial Aid for Master's Degrees

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our highlighted financial aid FAQ below. If you dont see the answer youre looking for, visit our Financial Aid FAQs page for answers to other common questions.

Absolutely. Many online schools accept FAFSA, including Norwich University Online. Other forms of financial aid exist as well, including Norwich Partner Organizations (if your company is a Norwich partner, you may be eligible for 10% discounted tuition), or employer tuition assistance. View more ways to pay for your online degree.

Yes. A Norwich University online degree is considerably more affordable than a traditional degree depending on the number of transfer credits a student brings in and scholarships used toward a degree. Whether pursuing their degree online or on-campus, all students at Norwich are eligible for financial aid.

Yes! Scholarships are awarded based on merit, talent, or financial need. If your spouse, parent, or child is a Norwich alumni, you may be eligible for our Alumni Scholarship toward a masters degree program. Norwich also offers exclusive scholarships to US military Servicemembers and veterans towards an online degree.