Transfer Credit & Prior Learning

Accelerate Your Degree with Norwich

Accelerate Your Bachelor’s Degree with Norwich

As an adult learner, you bring a lot to the table. And at Norwich, we take your experience seriously. If you have credit from previous college coursework, credit for prior learning, have earned certifications or have accumulated training experience, you may be able to transfer up to 90-semester credits towards your bachelor’s degree and earn your degree in as little as two years.

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Transfer Credits

Community Colleges

Norwich University accepts course credit from community colleges throughout the U.S. towards the completion of our online bachelor’s degree completion programs.

Previous College Credit

We offer generous credit transfer from regionally accredited colleges. Norwich will evaluate your previously completed courses to determine how they may be applied to your bachelor’s degree.

Use Norwich’s list in the Transfer Evaluation System to see if we have already evaluated your previous courses for equivalent credit at Norwich.  Just select your prior college or university and the courses you took, and if we have already evaluated that course, we will see the equivalent at Norwich. You can also create an account in Transferology. After you create an account, you will be able to quickly enter your previous coursework and see what credit you will get towards your degree at Norwich.

Credit for Prior Learning

Norwich values your experience. To help you get the most out of your education and accelerate your bachelor’s degree completion, we’ll evaluate your prior learning and training to determine how it may apply towards your degree. You could earn academic credits for:

  • Law enforcement training
  • Certifications
  • Military training
  • CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams

View Transfer Credit Policy in the Norwich University Course Catalog.