Norwich Welcomes USAFA Graduates - Images of grads throwing caps in the air and jet flyover

Air Force Academy Graduates

Norwich University offers an exclusive pathway to a master’s degree for Air Force Academy graduates that allows up to 12 credits to transfer into selected programs from coursework and cadet training, providing a 47% savings and the ability to finish within a year.

Service Academy graduates from the Class of 2018 to the present are eligible for this unique program.

Service Academy graduates can save up to 47% based on their elite curriculum

Program Costs:

  • $550 per credit hour.
  • For students that do not have access to Tuition Assistance funding, Norwich will offer students up to $1,500 in scholarship funds to help supplement the tuition costs of a graduate program.
  • Library and Technology fees of $375 per term, and Norwich ACCESS Fee of $22 per credit hour.

Tuition Assistance

  • Service Academy graduates eligible for tuition assistance can have their out-of-pocket cost per credit hour reduced to $300 per credit for a maximum additional reduction of $4,500* annually.   
    Commissioned officers can incur an active duty/reserve duty service extension of 2-4 years contingent on the completion date of the last course for which TA funding was used.

Accelerated Application Process

Service Academy Graduates are already accepted into Norwich's graduate programs.

Just fill out our application and provide a college transcript. 

  • No GRE
  • No resume
  • No letter of intention

Next Graduate Session Start Dates:

SUMMER: May 19, 2025

FALL: August 25, 2025

WINTER: November 17, 2025

Next Graduate Session Application Deadlines:

SUMMER: May 9, 2025

FALL: August 15, 2025

WINTER: November 7, 2025

Accelerated Master’s Programs & Transfer Equivalents

The list of programs includes transfer course equivalents for all programs.   

Please review to determine if you qualify for 6 or 12 transfer credits.

Master of Business Administration (7 concentrations available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
 (Any Two of the Following)    
MGT411Business Ethics3GB511Strategic Resources Management6
MGT448Power and Influence in Organizations3   
MGT345Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management3   
MGT361Organization Development and Change3   
MGT477Operations and Project Management3   
MGT337Managerial Finance3GB522Managerial Finance6
MGT372 or MGT382Intro to Investments OR Investments3   
ECON450International Economics3GB552International Business Management6
MGT498International Management3   
MGT400Management and Command3OL530Leading Change in Organizations (General or Org Leadership Track)6
MGT411Business Ethics3   
 (Any Two of the Following)    
MGT401Project Management3GBXXXGeneral Elective6
MGT419Technological Innovation3   
MGT476Logistics and Transportation Management3   
MGT477Operations and Project Management3   
MGT478Supply Chain Management3   
MGT498International Management3   
CIVENGR385Construction Management3GB544Project Management6
CIVENGR480Project Management and Contract Administration3   

Master of Science in Leadership (4 concentrations available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
 Basic Cadet TrainingXXOL510Leadership Fundamentals6
 (And one of the Following Combinations)    
MGT400Management and Command3OL530Leading Change in Organizations (Org Leadership Track)6
MGT411Business Ethics3   
MGT448Power and Influence in Organizations3OL543Theories and Innovative Practices of Public Sector/Government/Military Leadership6
MGT477Operations and Project Management3   

Master of Science in Management (11 concentrations available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
 Basic Cadet TrainingXXOL510Leadership Fundamentals6
 (And one of the Following Combinations)    
MGT400Management and Command3OL530Leading Change in Organizations6
MGT411Business Ethics3   
 (Any Two of the Following)    
MGT411Business Ethics3GB511Strategic Resources Management6
MGT448Power and Influence in Organizations3   
MGT345Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management3   
MGT361Organization Development and Change3   
MGT477Operations and Project Management3   
 (Any Two of the Following)    
MGT401Project Management3GBXXXGeneral Elective6
MGT419Technological Innovation Management3   
MGT476Logistics and Transportation Management3   
MGT477Operations and Project Management3   
MGT478Supply Chain Management3   
MGT498International Management3   

Master of Arts in Defense Policy

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
MSS498Capstone Thesis in Military & Strategic Studies3   
MSS369The Spectrum of Conflict3NT550The Military and the Use of Force6

Master of Arts in Defense Policy (Global)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
LAW363International Law3   
LAW456National Security Law3GD520Law and the International System6

Master of Arts in Defense Policy (North America)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
HISTORY345The American Way of War3MH550U.S. Military History6
 (And one of the following)    
HISTORY328Axis and Allies: The History of World War II3   
HISTORY329Korean War and the Cold War3   
HISTORY330The Vietnam War3   
HISTORY344The American Civil War3   
Poli Sci 302American Foreign and National Security Policy3IR520American Foreign Policy6
Poli Sci 491Capstone: American Foreign Policy3   

Master of Arts in Diplomacy

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
LAW363International Law3   
LAW456National Security Law3GD520Law and the International System6

Master of Arts in History (3 historical tracks available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
HISTORY345The American Way of War3MH550U.S. Military History6
 (And one of the following)    
HISTORY328Axis and Allies: The History of World War II3   
HISTORY329Korean War and the Cold War3   
HISTORY330The Vietnam War3   
HISTORY344The American Civil War3   
HISTORY402Global Dimensions of History3HI546World History 1800-19916
HISTORY363Modern Colonial Empires and Decolonization3   
 (Any Two of the Following)    
HISTORY320Winged Defense3HIXXXGeneral Elective6
HISTORY321STEM at War: History of Technology and Warfare3   
HISTORY322Conquest of the New Frontier: The Histrory of Space and Power3   

Master of Arts in Military History (degree electives)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
HISTORY345The American Way of War3MH550U.S. Military History6
 (And one of the following)    
HISTORY328Axis and Allies: The History of World War II3   
HISTORY329Korean War and the Cold War3   
HISTORY330The Vietnam War3   
HISTORY344The American Civil War3   
HISTORY345The American Way of War3MH550U.S. Military Histroy6
 (And one of the following)    
HISTORY344The American Civil War3   
HISTORY328Axis and Allies: The History of World War II3   
HISTORY329Korean War and the Cold War3   
HISTORY330The Vietnam War3   
HISTORY325Ancient and Medieval Warfare3MH520Global Military History to 18006
HISTORY326The Rise of Gunpowder3   
 (Any Two of the Following)    
HISTORY320Winged Defense3MHXXXGeneral Elective6
HISTORY321STEM at War: History of Technology and Warfare3   
HISTORY322Conquest of the New Frontier: The Histrory of Space and Power3   

Master of Arts in International Relations

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
Poli Sci 302American Foreign and National Security Policy3   
Poli Sci 491Capstone: American Foreign Policy3IR520American Foreign Policy6

Master of Arts in Strategic Studies

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
MSS498Capstone Thesis in Military & Strategic Studies3   
MSS369The Spectrum of Conflict3NT550The Military and the Use of Force6

Master of Public Administration (8 concentrations available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
MGT400Management and Command3AD576Foundations of Leadership and Ethical Decision‐Making6
MGT448Power and Influence in Organizations3   

Master of Science in Cybersecurity (5 concentrations available)

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
CYBERSCI333Cyber Warfare3GI512Foundations and Historical Underpinnings of Information Assurance6
CYBERSCI435Cyber Operations3   

Master of Science in Information Systems

USAFA Course NumberUSAFA Course TitleCreditsNorwich Course NumberNorwich Course TitleCredits
MATH377Advanced Probability and Statistics3IS501Statistical Concepts3
PHILOS320Ethics and Technology3IS500Collaboration, Teamwork, and Ethics3
COMPSCI454Software Engineering Capstone Project II3IS503Information Systems Analysis and Design3
MATH 378Applied Statistical Modeling3IS501Statistical Concepts3
General Thomas Bussiere Norwich Class of 1985 Commander Air Force Global Strike Command Photo in front of Fighter Jet

Gen. Thomas Bussiere, Class of 1985 
Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command

Join the Air Force Family of Norwich Graduates

"I think the long-standing, multidecade connection of Norwich grads is strong and sound. I can guarantee in the Department of Defense that Norwich graduates — officer, enlisted, civilian, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines, and now (Space Force) Guardians — are connected and stay connected. Both from a professional development perspective and pride in our alma mater. I think most people realize that. But I just want to reaffirm the commitment to the institution. What the institution gave to everybody who serves is pretty strong."

United States Air Force Academy usafa logo

Are you ready to get started?

Please contact us today to learn how we can best assist you! 

Call our Admissions Team at 1-866-684-7237 or click apply below.

We are now enrolling for our next sessions - and there are NO application fees or deposit fees required.