Naval Academy Cadets

Naval Academy Graduates

Join the Naval Family of Norwich Graduates

Norwich University offers an exclusive pathway to a master’s degree for Naval Academy graduates that allows up to 12 credits to transfer into selected programs from coursework and cadet training, providing a 47% savings and the ability to finish within a year.

Service Academy graduates from the Class of 2018 to the present are eligible for this unique program.

Service Academy graduates can save up to 47% based on their elite curriculum

Program Costs:

  • $550 per credit hour.
  • For students that do not have access to Tuition Assistance funding, Norwich will offer students up to $1,500 in scholarship funds to help supplement the tuition costs of a graduate program.
  • Library and Technology fees of $375 per term, and Norwich ACCESS Fee of $22 per credit hour.

Tuition Assistance

  • Service Academy graduates eligible for tuition assistance can have their out-of-pocket cost per credit hour reduced to $300 per credit for a maximum additional reduction of $4,500* annually. 
    Commissioned officers can incur an active duty/reserve duty service extension of 2-4 years contingent on the completion date of the last course for which TA funding was used.

Accelerated Application Process

Service Academy Graduates are already accepted into Norwich's graduate programs.

Just fill out our application and provide a college transcript. 

  • No GRE
  • No resume
  • No letter of intention

Next Graduate Session Start Dates:

SUMMER: May 19, 2025

FALL: August 25, 2025

WINTER: November 17, 2025

Next Graduate Session Application Deadlines:

SUMMER: May 9, 2025

FALL: August 15, 2025

WINTER: November 7, 2025

Accelerated Master’s Programs & Transfer Equivalents

The list of programs includes transfer course equivalents for all programs.   

Master of Public Administration

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Public Administration
NL420Communication as a Leader3any MPA concentrationsOL540Strategic Communications and Information Leadership6
NL430Leadership in Groups and Organizations3    
 Any two of the following: elective in any in any concentration electiveelective 
NP440Stoic Philosophy & Leadership3    
SA412Project in Operations Analysis 3    
SA463Topics in Operations Research 3    
IC411Operating Systems3    
IT432Advanced computer & Network Security 3    
IT460Human Computer Interaction 3    
IT452Adv Web & Internet systems3    
SI440Database Systems 3    
SI455Advanced Computer Networks 3    
SI436Distributed Systems 3    

Master of Science in Leadership

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Leadership
NL420Communication as a Leader3any MSL concentrationOL540Strategic Communications and Information Ladership6
NL430Leadership in Groups and Organizations3    
 Any two courses of the following: elective in Non-Specialized Concentationelectiveelective6
NL425Engineering Leadership3    
NP440Stoic Philosophy & Leadership3    
SA412Project in Operations Analysis3    
SA430Logistics 3    
SA463Topics in Operations Research 3    
IC411Operating Systems3    
IT460Human Computer Interaction3    

Master of Science in Management

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Management
NL420Communication as a Leader3any MSM concentration OL540Strategic Communications and Information Leadership6
NL430Leadership in Groups and Organizations3    
 Any two of the following: elective in Non-Specialized Concentationelectiveelective6
NL425Engineering Leadership3    
NP440Stoic Philosophy & Leadership3    
SA412Project in Operations Analysis3    
SA430Logistics 3    
SA463Topics in Operations Research3    
IC411Operating Systems3    
IC470Software Engineering3    
IT432Advanced Computer & Network Security3    
IT460Human Computer Interaction 3    
IT452Adv Web & Internet systems3    
SI440Database Systems 3    
SI455Advanced Computer Networks 3    
SI436Distrubed Systems3    
SI458High Performance Computing 3    
SI459Binary Analysis & Exploration3    
SI460Computer Graphics3    

Master of Business Administration

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Business Administration
 One course from the following: coreGB511Strategic Resources Management 6
NL311Psychology of Leadership 3    
NL430Leadership in Groups and Organizations 3    
NL340Change Management 3    
NL420Communicating as a Leader 3    
 One course from the following:     
SA435Decision Analysis3    
SF401Advanced Microeconomic Theory3    
NL425Engineering Leadership3    
 Any two of the following:  GB522Managerial Finance6
FE301Financial Analysis3    
SE402 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 3    
EW464 Survey of Engineering Economics3    
FE411 Economic Development and Growth3    
 Any two of the following:  GB552International Business Management 6
FE314International Trade and Policy3    
FE412International Trade and Finance3    
FP450International Political Economy3    
FP437International Organizations3    
 Any two of the following: concentrations in Technology Management; Critical Infastructure and Cybercrime; and Cyber Law and International Perspectives on CyberspaceGB544 Project Management Techniques, Tools, and Practices6
EM420Project Management Mech Eng3    
EM471Mechanical Engineering Design I 3    
EN454Proj Mgmt for Ocean Engrs 3    
EW401Engineering Design Methods3    
EW461Quantitative Methods for Management3    

Master of Science in Cybersecurity

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Cybersecurity
SY08Security Fundamental Principles3 GI512Foundations and Historical Underpinning of Information Assurance6
SY401Cyber Operations I3    
IT430Computer and Network Security3 GI512Foundations and Historical Underpinning of Information Assurance6
IT432Advance Computer and Network Security3    

Master of Arts in History

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in History
HH345Colonial America3 HI520Colonial America, American Revolution, & Early Republic6
HH346Revolutionary America and the Early Republic3    
HH346Revolutionary America and the Early Republic3 HI53019th Century US History6
HH347Civil War and Reconstruction3    
HH349Emergence of Modern America, 1896-19453 HI54020th Century US History6
HH350United States Since World War II3    
HH354America in World Affairs3substitute for elective in non-US History concentrationelectiveelective6
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
HH384Recent Military and Naval History3substitute as elective in any MAH concentration  electiveelective6
HH387History of Air Power3    

Master of Arts in Military History

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Military History
HH383+A30:E47Age of Total War, 1815-19453 MH552Total War6
HH375Japan and the Second World War3    
HH304Historical Readings in Grand Strategy3 MH530Military Thought and Theory6
 And, one of the following:     
FP476Grand Strategy and Great-Power Politics3    
NP410Philosophy of War3    
 Any two of the following: substitute for elective in any major or concentrationelectiveelective6
HH376History of Engineering3    
HH378History of Technology in Peace and War3    
HH380History of Science3    
HH354America in World Affairs3substitute as MMH electiveelectiveelective6
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
HH384Recent Military and Naval History3substitute as MMH elective  electiveelective 
HH387History of Air Power3    

Master of Arts in Strategic Studies

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Strategic Studies
FP476Grand Strategy and Great-Power Politics3 NT505National Security Strategy6
 and any one of the following:     
FP421National Security Policy3    
FP407Intelligence and National Security3    
 Any two of the following:  NT510Strategy and Policy6
HH304Historical Readings in Grand Strategy3    
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
NP410Philosophy of War3    
 Any two of the following:  NT550 The Use of Military Force6
FP355Civil-Military Relations3    
FP356War and Conflict in the International System3    
FP384Politics of Irregular Warfare3    
FP393Civil Wars and Armed Conflict3    
HH388Modern Counterinsurgency3    

Master of Arts in Defense Policy

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Defense Policy
 Any two of the following:  NT510Strategy and Policy6
HH304Historical Readings in Grand Strategy3    
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
NP410Philosophy of War3    

Master of Arts in Diplomacy

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Diplomacy
 Any two of the following: coreGD520Law and the International System6
FP397Criminal Law and Justice3    
FP408International Law3    
FP437International Organizations3    
 Any two of the following: coreGD530Economics and the International System6
FE310Economic Geography3    
FE314International Trade and Policy3    
FE335Economics of National Defense3    
FE345Environmental Economics3    
FE411Economic Development and Growth3    
FE412International Trade and Policy3    
FE438Economics of Financial Crisis3    
FD467Law and Economics3    
SE401Advance Macroeconomic Theory3    
SE435Macroeconomic Forecasting3    
SE450Game Theory3    
FP450International Political Economy3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in International ManagementG554Cross Cultural Management in Int'l System6
EW461Quantitative Methods for Management3    
SA435Decision Analysis3    
FP450International Political Economy3    
FL301Intercultural Communication3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in International ConflictGD560Military Intervention and Conflict Management6
SA412 Projects in Operations Analysis 3    
SA421Simulation Modeling3    
SA435Decision Analysis3    
SA463Topics in Operations Research3    
FE335Economics of National Defense3    
FP310 Introduction to Global Strategic Studies3    
FP311Ethics and International Relations3    
FP313Information Technology and International Politics3    
FP345Environmental Politics and Security3    
FP356War and Conflict in the International System3    
FP360US Foreign Policy in the Middle east3    
FP384Politics of Irregular Warfare3    
FP393Civil Wars and Armed Conflict3    
FP421National Security Policy3    
FP476Grand Strategy and Great-Power Politics3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in International TerrorismGD562International Responses to Transnational Terrorism6
FP385Politics of Irregular Warfare3    
FP393Civil Wars and Armed Conflict3    
FP468Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3    
HH388Modern Counterinsurgency3    
 Any two of the following: elective in concentration in Cyber Diplomacyelective  
EC356 Computer Networks with Security Applications3    
EC444Hardware Security3    
EE473Principles of Radar and Electronic Warfare3    
IT432Advanced Computer and Network Security3    
SY304Human factors in Cyber Operations3    
SY308Security Fundamental Principles3    
SY441Espionage in the Cyber Age3    

Master of Arts in International Relations

United States Naval Academy
Norwich University
USNA Course NumberUSNA Course Names CreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in International Relations
HH354America in World Affairs3concentration in National SecurityIR520American Foreign Policy6
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
 Any of the following pairs: elective in International Security Concentrationelectiveelective6
FP384Politics of Irregular Warfare3    
FP393Civil War and Armed Conflict3    
FP314Introduction to Global Strategic Studies3    
FP476Grand Strategy and Great-Power Politics3    
FE335Economics of National Defense3    
FE337Economics of the Defense Industrial Base3    
FP476War and Conflict in the International System3    
SE450Game Theory3    
FP314Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy3    
FP476Grand Strategy and Great-Power Politics3    
FP345Environmental Politics and Security3    
SO445Global Climate Change3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: AfricaGA541Africa6
HH364Contemporary Africa3    
HH366War and Conflict in Africa3    
FF432France and the Arab World3    
FP365African Comparative Politics3    
FP471African International Politics3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: Latin AmericanGA543Latin America6
HH363History of Latin America3    
FP323Comparative Latin American Politics3    
FP324Latin American International Politics3    
FS412Contemporary Latin American Civilization3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: EurasiaGA544Eurasia6
FP367Politics of Russia3    
FP370Russian Foreign Policy3    
FR412Contemporary Russia3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: Asia-PacificGA542Asia-Pacific6
FC404Chinese Language and Culture IV3    
FP357Politics of China and Japan3    
FP368Comparative Asian Politics3    
FP371Asian International Politics 3    
HI361History of East Asia3    
FJ420Japanese Communication as a Cultural Practice3    
HH368The Vietnam War: A Regional History3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: EuropeGA545Europe6
HH337Topics in European History3    
FS413Spanish Civilization3    
FP322Comparative European Politics3    
LG49220th and 21st Century Germany3    
FF412Modern France3    
FG412German Culture - Literature and Arts II3    
FP440Politics of Central Europe3    
 Any two of the following: concentration in Region of World: Middle EastGA546The Middle East6
FA350E Window on Arabic Culture3    
HH362History of the Middle East 3    
HH369History and Culture of Iran3    
FP360US Foreign Policy in the Middle East3    
FP369Middle Eastern Politics3    
FP468Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3    
FP469Islam and Politics3    
FF432France and the Arab World3    
 Any two of the following:  GA547North America6
FP325American Political Philosophy3    
FP345Environmental Politics and Security3    
FP355Civil-Military Relations3    
HH350United States since World War II3    
Todd Coulard headshot

Master Chief Todd Coulard

Join the Naval Family of Norwich Graduates

Husband, father and long-distance runner, Master Chief Todd Coulard is currently the lead helicopter rescue swimmer with Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Atlantic. He graduated from Norwich with a Master of Science in Leadership degree in 2022. Master Chief Coulard wanted more than a degree that checked a box, so he pursued a master’s program that fed his passion. On what he’ll remember most about his experience with Norwich, Coulard said: “Discipline, grit and networkability. Norwich was the best academic decision I have ever made! Additionally, the military-friendly environment was a plus.”

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Please contact us today to learn how we can best assist you! 

Call our Admissions Team at 1-866-684-7237 or click apply below.

We are now enrolling for our next sessions - and there are NO application fees or deposit fees required.