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Daniel G. Cox

  • Faculty


Dr. Cox has produly served as a faculty member at Norwich University for several years specializing in classes on US foreign policy, counterinsurgency, and other conflict and international relations related topics.


BS. Political Science/Philosophy, Illinois State University

MS, Political Science, Illinois State University

Ph. D., Political Science, University of Nebraska

Dr. Cox has also been associated with the US Army for over a decade serving as a professor of political science for the US Army School of Advanced Military Studies Program.  Dr. Cox has three published books: Terrorism, Instability and Democracy in Asia and Africa, Population-Centric Counterinsurgency: A False Idol, and Stability Economics: The Economic Foundations of Security in Post-Conflict Environments. He has published in peer-reviewed journals such as The Journal of Peace Research, Parameters, The International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Orbis, Interagency Journal, Special Operations Journal and Congress and the Presidency. His work has also appeared in journals such as Joint Force Quarterly, Terrorism Monitor, Terrorism Monitor, The Strategy Bridge, The Art of Strategy, and Small Wars Journal.  His work has been cited in Foreign Policy Magazine online, the Straits Times of Singapore, the Bangkok Post, and the Somaliland Times. Dr. Cox has also served in the NATO Partnership for Peace Program helping to improve the professional military education system of the military of the Republic of Armenia.  Dr. Cox is the Reviews Editor for Special Operations Journal, and he is on the Board of Executives for the Special Operations Research Association. Dr. Cox currently serves as the liaison between the School of Advanced Military Studies and the DARPA Causal Exploration program which is examining the applicability of applying Artificial Intelligence to the military planning process. Dr. Cox is working on a book exploring future conflict scenarios with Russia tentatively titled The Coming War With Russia: Examining Future Conflict Scenarios To Better Prepare for Future Conflict.