Coast Guard Academy - Cadets

Coast Guard Academy Graduates

Join the Coast Guard Family of Norwich Graduates

Norwich University offers an exclusive pathway to a master’s degree for Coast Guard Academy graduates that allows up to 12 credits to transfer into selected programs from coursework and cadet training, providing a 47% savings and the ability to finish within a year.

Service Academy graduates from the Class of 2018 to the present are eligible for this unique program.

Service Academy graduates can save up to 47% based on their elite curriculum

Program Costs:

  • $550 per credit hour.
  • For students that do not have access to Tuition Assistance funding, Norwich will offer students up to $1,500 in scholarship funds to help supplement the tuition costs of a graduate program.
  • Library and Technology fees of $375 per term, and Norwich ACCESS Fee of $22 per credit hour.

Tuition Assistance

  • Service Academy graduates eligible for tuition assistance can have their out-of-pocket cost per credit hour reduced to $300 per credit for a maximum additional reduction of $4,500* annually.  
    Commissioned officers can incur an active duty/reserve duty service extension of 2-4 years contingent on the completion date of the last course for which TA funding was used.

Accelerated Application Process

Service Academy Graduates are already accepted into Norwich's graduate programs.

Just fill out our application and provide a college transcript. 

  • No GRE
  • No resume
  • No letter of intention

Next Graduate Session Start Dates:

SUMMER: May 19, 2025

FALL: August 25, 2025

WINTER: November 17, 2025

Next Graduate Session Application Deadlines:

SUMMER: May 9, 2025

FALL: August 15, 2025

WINTER: November 7, 2025

Accelerated Master’s Programs & Transfer Equivalents

The list of programs includes transfer course equivalents for all programs.   

United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Public Administration
 Any two of the following: elective  electiveelective6
2467Environmental Policy3    
2468Relg Pol & Globalization3    
5435Emergency Management3    
8439Diversity in Leadership3    
7385Cyber Risk Management3    
8419Info Tech in Orgs3    
8444Publ Mgt Consult Prep3    
8445Public Mgmt Consult3    
8442Public Sector Economics3    
8439Diversity in Leadership3    
8443Strategic Management3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Leadership
 Any two of the following: non-specialized elective  electiveelective6
1401Construciont Project Mngt3    
1480Design Project Mngt3    
1395Projects in Engineering3    
2482Cyber Crisis & Conflict3    
5435Emergency Management3    
7478Project in Cyber Systems3    
7385Cyber Risk Management3    
8419Information Technology in Organizations3    
8423Management Control3    
8429Managerial Psychology3    
8444Publ Mgt Consult Prep3    
8445Public Mgmt Consult3    
8439Diversity in Leadership3    
8443Strategic Management3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Management
8439Diversity in Leadership3Core courseGB511Strategic Resources Management6
8443Strategic Management     
 Any two of the following: non-specialized elective  electiveelective6
1401Const Project Mngt3    
1480Design Project Mngt3    
1395Projects in Engineering3    
2482Cyber Crisis & Conflict3    
3470Operations Analysis Prep3    
3473Operations Analysis3    
5435Emergency Management3    
6489Proj in Pro Mar Dev3    
7478Proj in Cyber Systems3    
7385Cyber Risk Management3    
8419Info Tech in Orgs3    
8423Management Control3    
8429Managerial Psychology3    
8444Publ Mgt Consult Prep3    
8445Public Mgmt Consult3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Business Administration
 Any two of the following: core course for all concentrationsGB511 Strategic Resources Management6
8357Human Resource Management3    
8366Leadership, Organizational Development and Change3    
8429Managerial Psychology3    
8439Diversity and Leadership3    
8458Negotiations and Conflict Management3    
 Any two of the following: core course for all concentrationsGB522Managerial Finance6
8348Managerial Accounting3    
8423Management Control3    
8349Financial Management3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
2472Transnationational Threats and Challenges3Elective pathway/concentrationGD552International Terrorism by Non-State Actors6
2362Homeland Security Policy3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Cybersecurity
1330Computer and Network Security3 GI512Foundations and Historical Underpinnings of Information Assurance.6
7385Cyber Risk Management3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Science in Information Systems
8453System Analysis and Design3 IS503Information System Design and Analysis3
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in History
2131American Social Movements3 HI54020th Century U.S. History6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
2243Modern Diplomacy3elective in American or World History concentrationselectiveelective6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
2465U.S. Military Policy3non-M.A. in History electiveMH550U.S. Military History6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Military History
2465U.S. Military Policy3 MH550U.S. Military History6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
2243Modern Diplomacy3non-M.A. in Military History electiveelectiveelective6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
2131American Social Movements3non-M.A. in Military History electiveHI54020th Century U.S. History6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
M.A. in Strategic Studies
2269National Security Policy3core courseNT505National Security Strategy6
 And either     
2362Homeland Security3    
2274International Political Economy3    
 Any two of the following: core courseNT510Strategy and Policy6
2355Public Policymaking3    
2465United States Military Policy3    
2352Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy, and Negotiation3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
M.A. in Defense Policy
 Any two of the following:  NT510Strategy and Policy6
2355Public Policymaking3core course   
2465United States Military Policy3    
2352Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy, and Negotiation3    
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3requirement for North American concentrationIR520American Foreign Policy6
2370American Presidential Policy3    
2484International Law3requirement for Global concentrationGD520Law and the International System6
2397Constitutional Law and Homeland Security3    
2358Politics of North Africa and Middle East3elective for Global concentrationGA541Africa6
2359Politics of Africa3    
2378Politics of Asia3elective for Global concentrationGA542Asia Pacific6
2377Politics of China3    
2338Politics of Latin American and the Caribbean3elective for Global concentrationGA543Latin America6
2343The Latin American Experience: A Cultural Approach3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Diplomacy
2243Modern Diplomacy3International Conflict concentrationGD511History of Diplomacy in the International System6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
 Any two of the following:  GD520Law and the International System6
2397Constitutional Law and Homeland Security3    
2398Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy and Negotiation 3    
2463Maritime Governance3    
2494International Law3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
2352Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy and Negotiation3 GD560Military Intervention and Conflict Management in the International System6
2472Transnational Threats and Challenges 3    
 Any two of the following: International Terrorism concentrationGD520Law and the International System6
2397Constitutional Law and Homeland Security3    
2398Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy and Negotiation 3    
2463Maritime Governance3    
2494International Law3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
2472Transnationation Threats and Challenges3 GD552International Terrorism by Non-State Actors6
2362Homeland Security Policy3    
2397Constitutional Law and Homeland Security3    
2398Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy and Negotiation 3    
2463Maritime Governance3    
2494International Law3    
8425Global Business and Economics3 GD554Cross Cultural Management in the International System6
8461Negotiation and Conflict Management3    
 Any two of the following: Cyber Diplomacy Concentrationelectiveelective6
2282Intelligence and Cyber Operations3    
2482Cyber Crisis and Conflict3    
3463Simulation with Risk Analysis3    
 Any two of the following:  GD520Law and the International System6
2397Constitutional Law and Homeland Security3    
2398Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy and Negotiation 3    
2463Maritime Governance3    
2494International Law3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in Global Affairs
2358Politics of North Africa and Middle East3Africa concentrationGA541Africa6
2359Politics of Africa3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
2378Politics of Asia3 Asia Pacific concentrationGA542Asia Pacific6
2377Politics of China3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
2338Politics of Latin American and the Caribbean3 Latin American concentrationGA543Latin America6
2343The Latin American Experience: A Cultural Approach3    
2274International Political Economy3 GD530Economics and the International System6
2469Politics of International Development3    
2358Politics of North Africa and Middle East3 Middle East concentrationGA546Middle East6
2373Religion and Political Philosophy of Islam3    
2243Modern Diplomacy3 GD511History of Diplomacy in the International System6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
United States Coast Guard Academy
Norwich University
USCGA Course NumberUSCGA Course NamesCreditsNorwich Degree and ConcentrationNorwich Course NumberNU SeminarCredits
Master of Arts in International Relations
 Any two of the following: International Security concentrationan elective in fourth seminarelective6
2845Global Studies3    
2265Comparative Politics3    
2367International Relations3    
2465U.S. Military Policy3    
2463Maritime Policy and Strategy3    
2472Transnational Threats and Challenges3    
2375Strategic Intelligence: Collection and Analysis3    
2485Global Challenges3    
2243Modern Diplomacy3 IR520American Foreign Policy6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
 Any two of the following: International Development concentrationIR543Political Economy of International Development6
2467Environmental Policy3    
2468Religion, Politics, and Globalization3    
2469Politics of International Development3    
2243Modern Diplomacy3National Security concentrationIR520American Foreign Policy6
2369Contemporary United States Foreign Policy3    
 Any two of the following:  IR541Intelligence and National Security6
2375Strategic Intelligence: Collection and Analysis3    
2362Homeland Security Policy3    
2281Intelligence and Democracy3    
 Any two of the following: Cyber Diplomacy Concentrationelectiveelective6
2282Intelligence and Cyber Operations3    
2482Cyber Crisis and Conflict3    
3463Simulation with Risk Analysis3    
2358Politics of North Africa and Middle East3Regions of the World concentration -- AfricaGA541Africa6
2359Politics of Africa3    
2378Politics of Asia3Regions of the World concentration -- Asia PacificGA542Asia Pacific6
2377Politics of China3    
2338Politics of Latin American and the Caribbean3Regions of the World concentration -- Latin AmericaGA543Latin America6
2343The Latin American Experience: A Cultural Approach3    
2358Politics of North Africa and Middle East3Regions of the World concentration -- Middle EastGA546Middle East6
2373Religion and Political Philosophy of Islam3    
U.S. Coast Guard Station Burlington

Join the Family of Norwich Graduates

Norwich’s legacy with the Coast Guard Academy includes having a president who served as Rear Admiral and Adjunct General in the Coast Guard while also leading the institution for 31 productive years. While President Emeritus and retired Coast Guard RADM Richard W. Schneider retired in 2020 he remains active with the University including playing an integral role in chartering Norwich’s United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Program. 

US Coast Guard Academy logo

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Please contact us today to learn how we can best assist you! 

Call our Admissions Team at 1-866-684-7237 or click apply below.

We are now enrolling for our next sessions - and there are NO application fees or deposit fees required.