A University that’s Aligned with your Values

Student working on a laptop

As a service member, you possess several advantages. Among those are the values you live by as a member of the Armed Forces and the experiences of your journey.  Whether you served 10 months or 10 years, you’ve set yourself apart from the ordinary learner. 

As a Senior Military College, Norwich University Online holds many of the same values.  Norwich maintains a large percentage of military-affiliated students and employs numerous veteran faculty that “get it”. 

You are perfectly poised for the unique challenges posed by distance learning in the online environment. The values listed below explain why.


Every organization, including military branches and universities, has its own set of values. The graphic below highlights recurring themes in the values represented by service members of each component. Finding a university that aligns with your values provides a smooth transition between service and studies. 

Military values

The Values of the Department of Defense and Coast Guard

The Army values Integrity, which distills down to doing what’s right, legally and morally. This is the core of a service member, and it is exceptionally important when completing an online degree. Doing the right thing not only aligns with a university’s code of conduct but it facilitates a true transfer of knowledge. 

The Navy values Commitment, which means to join together as a team to improve the quality of their work, their people, and themselves. This value provides purpose to service members when they enroll in college as they are continuing to better themselves.  

The Marines value Honor, which is to be accountable for one’s professional and personal behavior. In a distance learning environment, the responsibility often lies with the learner to take charge of their own learning. Honor prepares service members to accept this responsibility and thrive under it. 

The Air Force values Excellence in All They Do, encouraging service members to strive for continuous improvement and innovation in themselves and their service. For service members, higher education is often necessary to excel. A degree often leads to accelerated promotions and consideration for favorable duty positions. 

The Space Force values Character. The Guardian Spirit, Space Force’s handbook) states that Character lays the foundation for trust, teamwork, and good order and discipline. Without it, all other values are diminished. It further states that service members are presented with difficult dilemmas daily, and effectively navigating those dilemmas requires a principled approach. The Character of service members shines when they approach their education with respect and integrity.  

The Coast Guard values Devotion to Duty which means that service members seek responsibility, accept accountability, and are committed to the successful achievement of their organizational goals. When undertaking an online degree, service members account for themselves, and make a commitment to finish what they start. Earning an education improves both the service member and any organization they are part of. 

The above serves as a small sample of the values upheld by each branch of the military. They not only guide service members in their duties but also serve as foundational principles as they transition into higher education. Combining service member values with a like-minded institution ensures that a service member’s education further enhances their ability to lead, innovate, and excel both during and after their military careers.

Norwich values

The Values of Norwich University


There is another benefit to pursuing an online degree as a service member. You have lived life and taken in a wealth of experiences. Many universities, such as Norwich, truly understand the value of a service member’s experience. 

Norwich is proud to offer college credit for a service member’s military experience and training. This credit can be applied up to 90 credit hours towards a bachelor’s degree or 12 credit hours towards a masters. The amount varies based on your role and the duration of your service. Not only are you well equipped with values, skills, and traits, but you will also have a shorter path to completion with your transferred credits.

Norwich truly understands service members and their needs. Many courses are taught by faculty who are retired military personnel. They deliver additional insights and understanding of course content tailored to your service experiences.

Next Steps

The confidence that comes with the values you held close while serving will ensure your success here at Norwich. Getting started is as easy as selecting one of the links below. See how much credit your military experience has earned and push to be the best version of yourself!

Explore our programs: https://online.norwich.edu/online/programs 
Request Information: https://online.norwich.edu/get-started-norwich-university
Contact Us: https://online.norwich.edu/online/about/contact-norwich-university-online


The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.