Tammy Megow-Jones

Tammy Megow-Jones headshot

I chose Norwich because of its distinguished history, its credibility as a legitimate institution of higher learning, and because it had the programs of greatest interest to me.

Q: “Tell us about yourself, Tammy.”
A: "I was born in Denver, Colorado but grew up in Slidell, Louisiana.  My father and brother still live in Slidell.  I currently live in Algiers, Louisiana – near New Orleans – with my husband and our three dogs and three cats.  I love great movies, reading a good mystery, dabbling in the arts (drawing/painting), and martial arts."

Q: “What is your current employer?”
A: "I am a Major in the U.S. Marine Corps.  My occupational specialty is Public Affairs, but I recently completed a tour as an Aide-de-Camp to the three-star general who commands Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces North.  I will be moving this summer to attend Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama."

Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: "I wanted to gain a professional edge and also pursue continuing education in a field of great personal interest to me."

Q: “Why did you choose Norwich, how did you learn about it?”
A: "I learned about Norwich’s online programs while searching the web extensively for online graduate programs that I could complete while working full-time.  I chose Norwich because of its distinguished history, its credibility as a legitimate institution of higher learning, and because it had the programs of greatest interest to me."

Q: “How have you grown personally or professionally as a result of your education?”
A: "I have grown more than I realized over the past 18 months.  I have a solid academic foundation to support my personal leadership philosophy.  My horizon has been greatly expanded through my work with peers in fields outside the military and I’ve learned that all organizations face the same leadership challenges because good leadership is universal.  Personally, I learned that I can do more than I thought possible.  It was challenging juggling school with work and family, but I made it!"

Q: “Please tell us about any examples where you were able to put your knowledge to work immediately at your job.”
A: "I was able to use my emotional intelligence knowledge to work with a small group of Marines that I was supervising.  I created a training seminar in which we learned about our own and each other’s strengths and how we could leverage those strengths to become a high-performing team.  Some of the Marines commented that the training expanded their horizons not just for working as a team, but for their individual potential as well."