Stephan Bohanan

was able to work through multiple obstacles of life while working full time that requires bi-monthly travel, writing course papers on the airplane, and meeting family obligations.
Q: “Tell us a bit about yourself, Stephan.”
A: "I retired from the US Marine Corp in 2010 after 22 years of service. I have had the pleasure of living in several states across the nation and continue to enjoy the freedom with each new journey. I am married to an elementary school teacher and we have two children. My son is a US Marine Corp Officer who graduated from VMI. My daughter is in her senior year of college at Cal Poly-Pomona. I am an avid mountain bike rider and sneak a ride in whenever I can. "
Q: “What is your current employer?”
A: "After 22 years in the US Marine Corps, I was hired by Verizon in the Security Management Program where I am a Senior Security Analyst. I am on the Threat and Vulnerability Intelligence Team that is responsible for advance information security and cyber threats. As a member of the Research and Development team, we discover and test new products to reduce and mitigate network vulnerabilities."
Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: "Pursuing my master’s degree became a goal after completing my bachelor’s degree. I had no intentions of furthering my education beyond a bachelor’s degree. One day I noticed people in my industry that held a master’s degree were generally in leadership positions. Having been in the military I am used to being in charge and making decisions, so the next logical step was to get my master's. Additionally, I am the first person in my family to complete a graduate degree."
Q: “What makes Norwich unique?”
A: "Norwich is one of the few schools recognized for the master’s degree in Information Security and Assurance."
Q: “How have you developed personally or professionally as a result of your education?”
A: "I improved my writing skills and understanding of political correctness. While personal opinion has its value, resolution requires teamwork. Putting the team or others first and making self-sacrifices helps to pave the way of open communication and loyalty."
Q: “How have you developed personally or professionally as a result of your education?”
A: "Perseverance – I know I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I was able to work through multiple obstacles of life while working full time that requires bi-monthly travel, writing course papers on the airplane, and meeting family obligations."