Ryan Savage

Ryan Savage headshot

Norwich's online MBA program provided the flexibility necessary to attain another degree.

Q: "Tell us about yourself."
A: "I'm a second-time Norwich student, graduating with my bachelor's degree in 2020. I live in Northern Vermont in the Champlain Islands, where my family has had its roots for my entire lifetime. I enjoy playing hockey and golf and often cycle with friends in my free time. I currently work for Pine Harbour Assisted Living, a nonprofit senior living facility in Plattsburgh, New York. I am the Business Operations Director there, managing all fiscal operations. In the past, I have worked for a school district in their business office and a financial planning firm."

Q: "What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?"
A: "I wanted to stay informed with current organizational leadership strategies, further enhancing the practical knowledge I have gained professionally and throughout my time in the Corps of Cadets. Further, I wanted more knowledge to make more informed decisions in the professional environment, offering my organization a different point of view and a more methodical approach to decision-making."

Q: "What are your future professional plans?"
A: "I fell in love with my current employer and position early in my time here. My long-term goal is to grow in my current organization and manage fiscal and human capital for our facility. I plan to advance my career in the senior living industry, growing into more leadership roles. I love where I work, so I look to further grow within my current organization."

Q: "Why did you choose Norwich?"
A: "I chose Norwich because I owe much of who I am to my experiences throughout its undergrad program in the Corps. I created many lifelong bonds and relationships that I will carry indefinitely. When looking to return to coursework, it was a no-brainer that I would choose Norwich again."

Q: "Did you have any uncertainties with choosing an online program?"
A: "I was mainly concerned about being able to effectively time-manage coursework and a full-time leadership position each day. Norwich's online MBA program provided the flexibility necessary to attain another degree."

Q: "Prior to beginning your courses, what were some of your expectations for an online degree program?"
A: "I had a general idea of the layout based on past experience when my undergrad program switched to online during the COVID pandemic in 2020. The challenging part was communicating and coordinating times with students across the country and globally. That said, this encourages students to work on effective communication, which I've been able to carry over into my professional career."

Q: "What advice would you give future students enrolling in one of Norwich's online programs?"
A: "Like anything, the program is what you make of it. Put in the hours, connect with your professors and classmates, and forge bonds that you can carry into your professional career. Try to apply the concepts learned in the classroom to your professional career as soon as you enroll in the course. It's rewarding to put into practice the concepts learned and watch them succeed in real-time."

Q: "What has been your biggest personal or professional success since starting your degree?"
A: "It wasn't so much one event that occurred but growing into an advising role for our Executive Director, which, as a young professional, makes you feel valued in the organization. My educational experience is consistently relied upon to make informed decisions for our facility."

Q: "Please tell us about a time you could put the knowledge you gained in the classroom to work immediately at your job."
A: "Employee retention has been an issue in healthcare, and our facility is no different. In tandem with our Executive Director's ideas, I was able to use ways to boost employee satisfaction and improve our organizational culture to encourage higher rates of employee retention."

Q: "What aspects of your Norwich experience will you carry most strongly with you?"
A: "My undergrad experience in the Corps will always carry the strongest with me. During my graduate experience, the different perspectives on many managerial concepts will always stick with me. I've learned that decision-making isn't black and white, and you must look through many different lenses to make an informed decision."

Q: "Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences at Norwich?"
A: "Norwich, both times, have been the greatest decisions of my life. My professors, classmates, and now friends are people I will forever cherish. Norwich students are different in all facets, and we need more individuals to push our shared bonds forward."