Rob Freas

I would likely not have been accepted into the Army without Norwich on my resume. I am incredibly thankful for that.
Q: “Tell us about yourself.”
A: “Pianist, traveler, and multilinguist. I worked as a landscaper for several years during undergrad and grad school. Now I am commissioning as an officer with the U.S. Army. ”
Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: “I was both passionate about international relations, Japan especially. I am also looking forward to making a career out of the military. I hope to become a Foreign Area Officer or a Special Forces Officer in the future when the time comes. I will be able to use my international expertise and aptitude with foreign languages. I hope to be stationed abroad and use my knowledge overseas.”
Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “I was able to keep working my full-time job while pursuing my master’s degree. I was also able to pay my way through the degree without loans.”
Q: “What is one piece of advice you would give to future students enrolling into one of Norwich's online programs?”
A: “Do not be discouraged; take it one step at a time. The amount of reading can be daunting. Read a little bit every day.”
Q: “What has been your biggest personal or professional success since starting your degree?”
A: “I would likely not have been accepted into the Army without Norwich on my resume. The school allowed me to work with them despite my undergrad GPA. I am incredibly thankful for that. Now, whenever I'm asked for my ‘most recent GPA,’ I can confidently put down the GPA I worked so hard to get at Norwich.”
Q: “What aspects of your Norwich experience will you carry most strongly with you?”
A: “The people I met were all so great. Such a wide range of people and experiences, I was so happy to get to meet and learn from them.”