Laurel Ghose

I remember speaking to one of the administrators when asking about different programs, and when they mentioned the nursing component at Residency, I literally got goosebumps, and I knew then that this was the right program for me.
Q: “Tell us about yourself: your family, friends, interests/ hobbies, and professional experience.”
A: “I finally figured out what I wanted to get my master's degree in late in life. I enrolled in my mid 40s. I have three teenagers. I thought that it was important to walk the walk if I’m going to talk the talk about the importance of education, but I’ve also had a couple of colleagues who encouraged me to get my master’s degree telling me it was possible to achieve this goal. I am currently a nurse manager for a primary care clinic outside of Boston, MA.”
Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “I really searched for the right master’s program. I wanted to find one that would balance with my work/life obligations. I also had several colleagues who have gone through Norwich’s MSN program and had provided me with positive feedback about the program. I remember speaking to one of the administrators when asking about different programs, and when they mentioned the nursing component at Residency*, I literally got goosebumps, and I knew then that this was the right program for me.”
Q: “Did you have any uncertainties with choosing an online program?”
A: “I was very uncertain about the online program! I’m in my late 40s, and I’ve never taken any sort of online anything! But, the program was easy to understand and adapt to. Now, I am a huge proponent of online schooling. I truly believe I learned better than if I was in a physical classroom vs. virtual.”
Q: “How have you grown personally or professionally since completing your coursework and degree?”
A: “I have truly grown professionally from Norwich’s MSN program. I have a better understanding of myself as a leader. I have been able to improve my skills leadership, mentoring, presenting, and improvement work.”
Q: “What aspects of your Norwich experience will you carry most strongly with you?”
A: “The ability to research topics, tie them to the essences of nursing as well as my organization’s mission and vision, then sell it to fellow nurse managers and staff."
Q: “What other aspects of your experiences with Norwich would you like to speak to?”
A: "The professors were all great. They put together valuable courses that had a relevant impact for my profession. I truly have grown as a manager because of Norwich’s MSN administration program.
Every class I had taken, I was able to apply the class topic to a work project. From nursing theory to leadership, to research. I presented information on Congestive Heart Failure and Ambulatory Care Sensitive Condition’s, which are extremely relevant in my area of practice. I was able to complete an improvement project on nursing practice and improving the safety pain management."
*Residency is no longer a requirement of Norwich Online programs.