Kyle Hippley

I felt comfort in knowing that most of the online program's leadership and administration are the same professionals working at the traditional Norwich campus.
Q: “Tell us about yourself.”
A: “I am 35 years old and live in Youngstown, Ohio. My wife says that I am happily married with three children. My stepdaughter completed her freshman year at Norwich University in 2022. I enjoy time with my family and have a strong interest in fine woodworking.
I began my career in 2006 as a paramedic in Youngstown, Ohio, where I worked for eight years. I became a flight paramedic in 2012 for STAT MedEvac based in Pittsburgh, PA. I graduated with an ADN in 2013 and worked in the CVICU and the Cath Lab until 2017. I transitioned to a flight nurse at STAT MedEvac in 2017, where I continue to work full time.”
Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: “Having spent the past 16 years providing direct patient care in emergency and critical care medicine. I was ready to take my career in a different direction. Nursing Informatics offers an opportunity to remain in nursing but focus on work that impacts healthcare from a lens. I can combine my critical care and emergency experiences with innovative informatics-based healthcare solutions.”
Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “When choosing a university to apply to, I wanted one that was well respected and was a long-standing traditional brick-and-mortar school that expanded its reach through online avenues. I was drawn to Norwich's military history and culture. Having been an online student and the parent of a rook, I feel connected to Norwich in a way I have not experienced with other universities I have attended.”
Q: “Did you have any uncertainties with choosing an online program?”
A: “The structured time constraints of conventional classes did not fit my current life and family needs. Still, I felt comfort in knowing that most of the online program's leadership and administration are the same professionals working at the traditional Norwich campus.”
Q: “Prior to beginning your courses, what were some of your expectations for an online degree program?”
A: “I completed my bachelor's degree online before enrolling at Norwich for my master's degree in nursing. The online class workflow was similar to my previous experiences and met my basic expectations. Norwich professors and administrators exceeded my expectations with their responsiveness and accessibility.”
Q: “What is one piece of advice you would give to future students enrolling in one of Norwich's online programs?”
A: “The hardest part of online coursework is time management. I am a master procrastinator by nature. Most of my stress during the program was self-induced due to poor time management. If you can manage your time well and avoid procrastinating until the last minute, Norwich's program and leadership provide everything else needed to be successful.”
Q: “What has been your biggest personal or professional success since starting and/or completing your coursework and degree?”
A: “While my degree is in nursing informatics, the biggest change for me is seeing healthcare form a higher level and expanding the way I think. Norwich's program has helped me see beyond a siloed focus and appreciate the bigger picture. This personal and professional growth has already improved my relationship with my organizational leaders, and I think it will serve me well in the future.”
Q: “What aspects of your Norwich experience will you carry most strongly with you?”
A: “I will carry a connection to Norwich University, a link I do not have with the other universities I have graduated from. Norwich Together, Norwich Forever."
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