Justin Jaunay

The penetration testing and the school's accreditation stood out. I chose this program as it worked best with my work schedule.
Q: “Tell us about yourself.”
A: “I am a French citizen currently in the process of achieving my naturalization. I was born in Hong Kong and moved to the US when I was six years old. I currently live in Oregon, where I have some close friends. In my immediate family, I have two sisters and my parents. My hobbies include fishing, kayaking, playing tennis, watching soccer, and playing video games.
Q: “Please describe your current employment.”
A: “I currently work as a support specialist – this has been the bulk of my experience through the past decade. In my current position, I work for a genetics company, supporting their proprietary software.”
Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: “I wished to pursue a career in security. My current goals are to pursue security+, CCNA, and potentially pentest+ certifications and finally pursue a career in security. I potentially plan to use my degree to help me earn a Ph.D. in the future.”
Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “The penetration testing and the school's accreditation stood out. I had two other programs I was interested in, but I chose this cybersecurity program as it worked best with my work schedule.”
Q: “What has been your biggest personal or professional success since starting your degree?”
A: “Achieving a 4.0 has been a great achievement.”