Henry Gonzales

Henry Gonzales headshot

Norwich is unique as its military history program not only touts its toughness but also backs it up.

Q: “Tell us about yourself.”
A: “I am a student of Eurasian Military studies and a budding Asian historian. I participate publicly in history and living history talks and displays; I have done so for 34 years. I love educating the public on military history.  Also, I have visited several battlefields of different eras, domestically and abroad, which helped me gain perspective and understanding of the battlefields studied. I am a retired combat veteran with 24 years of active naval service, having served with Special Operations, the Marine Corps, and EOD. I attended Park University for my undergrad and the Naval War College Senior Enlisted Academy.”

Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: “I am very passionate about history. I wanted the degrees to match my experience and knowledge. Life took me elsewhere, as most people do. Still, you should follow through on your dreams and make them a reality, see it through. In the future, I want to pick up graduate certificates and then teach honors history in high school or history courses in college to undergraduates; try and pay it forward.”

Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “I have wanted to attend Norwich since I was young; it's been a dream come true. It is the oldest private military college in the United States. Many fine military officers were made at Norwich and continue to be. Norwich is unique as its military history program not only touts its toughness but also backs it up. Norwich's top-six national ranking speaks for itself.”

Q: “Did you have any uncertainties with choosing an online program?”
A: “There was no question about attending Norwich or attending online; relocating was not feasible for me to attend the brick-and-mortar campus. However, I could not wait to go when I found out they had offered it online."

Q: “Prior to beginning your courses, what were some of your expectations for an online degree program?”
A: “Well, the exact requirements were the same expectations for my undergraduate. The honor code still applies to online students, such as those attending in the classroom. The professors will be quick to challenge anyone not performing satisfactorily. I never had that problem, but I have seen some people struggle.”

Q: “What has been your biggest personal or professional success since starting your degree?”
A: “My biggest success is achieving my master's degree in military history. I give all the credit to all my professors, the program directors, course designers, and adjuncts for their dedication and assistance in the opportunity to achieve success.”

Q: “What aspects of your Norwich experience will you carry most strongly with you?”
A: “The knowledge I have gained and the techniques my professors provided me for my toolbox to examine history from different aspects I never thought about previously and can gain greater understanding by it.”

Q: “What advice would you give future students enrolling in one of Norwich's online programs?”
A: “Be dedicated, endeavor to persevere, stay on task, and remain focused. The online programs are not a joke; the professors are as serious online as they are in person. Lastly, communication. If you don't understand things, communicate. Technical difficulties occur; communicate. If a life situation comes up, communicate.”

Q: “Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences at Norwich?”
A: “The experience has been challenging, but it was good. Our motto, "I Will Try!" stands out most, and I always embrace that. I always encourage others to try. It makes you appreciate it much more. I'll be Forever Norwich, and Norwich Forever!”