Brett Adams

The interactive nature of the courses, which forced me to engage with other students, crushed my expectations and helped me see problems through lenses I generally would not have.
Q: “Tell us about yourself.”
A: “I am an intel officer in the Air Force. I have deployed twice, including spending much of 2021 in Africa during my master's program. I have a wife and two sons who occupy most of my time. When not chasing the little ones around, I enjoy playing sports or making smoked meats. ”
Q: “What was your motivation for pursuing your degree?”
A: “I wanted to get a master's degree without just checking a box. I wanted to learn more about how strategy is developed and implemented at the highest levels. The Master of Arts in Strategic Studies degree program did exactly that.”
Q: “What are your future professional plans?”
A: “I hope to stay in the Air Force for some time. Afterward, I hope to work in politics either at the State or Federal levels.”
Q: “Why did you choose Norwich?”
A: “I chose Norwich because it was suggested to me by a good deal of former Air Force colonels and generals that work in DC.”
Q: “Prior to beginning your courses, what were some of your expectations for an online degree program?”
A: “I expected that I would just read a lecture and submit a paper. However, the interactive nature of the courses, which forced me to engage with other students, crushed my expectations and helped me see problems through lenses I generally would not have.”
Q: “What is one piece of advice you would give to future students enrolling in one of Norwich's online programs?”
A: “Interact early and often in the course discussions. The more you put into the weekly questions on the group forum, the more you will learn and take away. You can read the material on your own at home without taking the courses, but this program allows you to further your knowledge through interaction with other highly motivated and highly qualified individuals.”
Q: “How do you plan to use your degree in your career?”
A: “I hope to get into a strategic-level job in the Air Force at some point down the road. This degree has given me a jumpstart over my peers.”
Q: “What has been your biggest personal or professional success since completing your degree?”
A: “My biggest success has been my increased ability to understand Joint Doctrine and how it is developed. Previously I saw it as just walls of text with little meaning in my day-to-day job. Now I see it as the driving force when I work with other services and even in my time working with other nations.”
Q: “Please tell us about a time in which you could put your knowledge gained in the classroom to work immediately at your job.”
A: “This happens quite often for me because I work in a joint environment. I can use the doctrine we have read and apply it to my job. Additionally, the historical material we studied helped me examine problem sets from a different view and implement new solutions. Attention to detail when researching topics and presenting solutions for problem sets will stick with me as this program expanded my ability to do so.”
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