Anh Brown

Norwich provides the right mix for me to excel in life.
Q: “Tell us about yourself: your family, friends, and interests/ hobbies.”
A: “Graduated from Norwich in 1999. My wife, her three sisters, and two cousins are Norwich alumnus. We also have another cousin that just finished her freshman year at Norwich. I enjoy playing sports and fishing.”
Q: “Please describe, briefly, your professional experience and current employment.”
A: “I was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army in 2000. I completed two tours in Iraq and was honorably discharged in 2006. My wife and I are owners of a company called Brownstone Manor Inc. We take care of the severely disabled population.”
Q: “What made Norwich’s master’s program stand out?”
A: “Norwich has taught me the skills necessary for my military and civilian career. I learned about Norwich because I did my undergraduate degree there. Norwich is unique to me because of the support I have gotten from everyone there. The leadership program is challenging and rewarding at the same time. The schedule that is provided for each student allows me the flexibility to work while completing my schooling.
Norwich was my first choice for my undergraduate education, Norwich was my first choice for graduate school. Norwich provides the right mix for me to excel in life.”
Q: “How have you grown personally or professionally since completing your coursework and degree?”
A: “I have learned a lot about how to run our company better. I am able to use different tools that I have learned in the course to ensure that our company remains competitive.
I have empowered my managers to become role models for our employees and to take responsibility and accountability for their action.”