information warfare

Graduate Certificate in Information Warfare

Globalization and advanced technologies have made information warfare a force multiplier for nation-states, groups, and individual actors. unprecedented. Effective deployment across any target audience can have a momentous positive or negative impact. Norwich University's online information warfare graduate certificate enables students to advance their understanding of this domain, and analyze it’s past, present, and potential future in a dynamic classroom environment.

The certificate in information warfare will help you identify and explain the fundamental principles of information warfare as conceptualized by different countries. You will evaluate and assess current information warfare threats and information capabilities from Russia, China, Iran, DPRK, and violent extremist organizations. Classify how and why weaponized information is used as part of modern influence campaigns, evaluate vulnerabilities of social systems that an adversary could exploit through weaponized information, and construct accurate threat models through detailed characterization of an adversary’s information capabilities through a multidisciplinary approach.

The certificate is comprised of two 11-week courses, totaling 12 graduate-level credits, and are completed entirely online. Upon successful completion of a certificate program, students wishing to enter into our Master of Science in Cybersecurity program will be able to use the certificate courses toward the completion of their master’s degree.

Visit our Admissions page for your next steps.

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Next Session Start Dates: 

SPRING: February 17, 2025

SUMMER: May 19, 2025

FALL: August 25, 2025

Information Warfare Curriculum

Information Warfare: Theory and Practice | IWAR505 | 6 credit hours
This graduate-level course explores the concept of Information Warfare (IW) from various national perspectives, its historical evolution, and current threats posed by state and non-state actors. Cyberspace is another domain that allows significantly weaker actors to impose costs against strong actors. The course covers IW principles, historical examples, and the role of cyber-enabled capabilities including defensive and offensive operations, artificial intelligence (AI), and foreign malign influence. Students will critically analyze the IW capabilities of Russia, China, Iran, DPRK, and violent extremist organizations, as well as the strategic implications for the United States.

Information warfare changed the conflict environment and, as a result, influenced policymaking. Beyond this, it also affects the warfighter and how we develop cyber strategies including identifying the adversary and designing a response. Additionally, information warfare puts partnerships in a new light as it emphasizes that partners and allies are stronger together against an adversary. Finally, the role of industry and the private sector has vastly expanded and serves as another tool. 
Information Warfare and Threat Analysis | IWAR540| 6 credit hours
Information Warfare and Threat Analysis provides a graduate student with a comprehensive understanding of the weaponization and exploitation of information in contemporary global societies. Students assemble preliminary knowledge in historical case studies of information and its use in past competitions and conflicts. The use of 21st-century technologies to deliver information warfare effects is compiled in-depth with students leveraging a combination of learning methods to be able to construct and profile adversarial influence strategy, tactics, and infrastructure. Students are tasked with the analysis and identification of an entity's vulnerabilities to influence operations and the development of mitigation strategies.

Threatcasting methodology is employed by students to predict future adversarial threat capabilities and tactics. The course culminates with an experiential learning exercise in which students produce an influence campaign based on a selected threat actor and target in the year 2035. 

To view additional program details, visit the Norwich University Course Catalog using this link.


Tuition at a Glance
Credit Hours: 12
Cost Per Credit Hour: $698
Additional fees & discounts may apply.