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Philip Crossman

  • Faculty


Philip Crossman is an eight generation Vermonter who has spent most of his life teaching the humanities to high school and college students. His interest in Middle Eastern history was sparked by several years he spent working as a cartographer in Jerusalem. Upon his return to Vermont, he completed a master’s degree in Islamic-Western Relations at Norwich and then went on to pursue an M.Ed. in Educational Technology at the University of Toronto. Philip currently works as a coordinator of Teaching and Learning at the Community College of Vermont (CCV). He teaches philosophy courses at CCV and Norwich University where he brings over twenty years of online history, philosophy, and religious studies teaching experience to his work.

Previous to his work as a college faculty member and administrator, he worked as a computer cartographer in Jerusalem, Israel for a number of years. He has a BA in History with a minor in Ancient Languages (Hebrew and Greek). In his free time, Phil parents two sons, kayaks, plays hockey, draws cartoons and caricatures, writes, and reads voraciously.